The Vault is a student organization at UW-Madison that offers a unique perspective on the fashion industry. We believe that fashion goes beyond just clothes, and we focus on its intersection with many other areas of study, such as business, technology, design, communications, and marketing.

Our organization was founded to provide students with opportunities to explore the many facets of the fashion industry, while also connecting them with professionals in the field. We strive to offer experiences that are not typically available in a classroom setting.

We are also proud to be partnered with UW-Madison’s School of Human Ecology (SOHE) and Wisconsin School of Business (WSB).


education, training, and community

Our main goal is to provide our members with experiences deemed unimaginable, and we achieve this through three tiers: education, training, and community.

Education opportunities include speaker events, panels, and presentations.

Training opportunities include projects for companies, photoshoots, portfolio work, hands-on activities, interviews, and workshops.

Community opportunities include fashion shows, socials, and fundraisers.



Zero Tolerance Policy

The Vault has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination and prejudice based on race, sexuality, gender, religion, and other protected identities.

Open Doors Policy

Anyone that wishes to report any experience of discrimination, prejudice, or bias from another member of The Vault can do so to any board or committee leader (they can also do this anonymously through The Vault’s Report form if they desire).

Disciplinary Rules

If a formal report is presented to a member of The Vault board and its committee leaders, the case will be transferred to the DEI disciplinary board. They will review to make decisions on a case-by-case basis.

Probation: If a member has been reported to have inflicted an act of microaggression, they will be subjected to probation and will be monitored by the disciplinary board.

Expulsion: If a member has been reported to have verbally and/or performed acts of racism, sexual harassment. homophobia, etc., that intentionally excludes or harms someone, they will be subjected to immediate expulsion from The Vault. They will also be reported to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for further review and, depending on the case, can be reported to law enforcement.